
Blogs, Energy Efficiency | June 27, 2022

EPRI Sees Energy Savings in Pumps

The Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) is a leading independent, non-profit energy R&D organization focused on electricity generation, delivery, and use. Its technology portfolios range from sustainability and decarbonization to nuclear power and smart grid technologies—and pumps.

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Blogs, PSAP | June 27, 2022

Someone Had To Go First

When something new comes along, someone has to be the first to do it. For the Hydraulic Institute’s Pump System Assessment Professional (PSAP) certification, that person was Keith Schindler, a hydraulic engineer and oil and gas specialist with Flowserve Corp.

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Blogs, Training | March 21, 2022

Redesigned Website Makes It Easier to Access Continuing Professional Education

A newly redesigned website is going to make it easier for pump professionals to keep their skills up to date, earn Professional Development Hour (PDH) credits, and master new topics. Developed by Hydraulic Institute’s educational foundation, Pump Systems Matters (PSM), the website offers everything from introductory classes for newbies to in-depth focused webinars, e-learning courses, and preparation for Pump System Assessment Professional (PSAP) certification.

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Blogs, Technical | March 21, 2022

Reliability Basics: Understanding NPSH, POR, and AOR

The pump industry uses acronyms so often, we sometimes gloss over their true meaning and importance. So, let’s review the concepts behind three terms that have a huge impact on pump reliability: Net positive suction head (NPSH), preferred operating region (POR), and allowable operating region (AOR).

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