Energy Rating Label – 50 Pump Listing Package

List up to 50 pumps on the HI Energy Rating Portal

The HI Energy Rating Program allows manufacturers of pumps as outlined in Section 431.464 of 10 CFR 431 Subpart Y, to participate in a the rating and labeling of these pumps by complying with the requirements of HI 40.5-2016 Program Guide for the HI Energy Rating Program. This program provides significant benefits to participants, pump end users, specifiers, and purchasers worldwide by establishing a consistent approach to enable the comparison of properly selected pumps and extended products based on the pump’s average power consumption. Additionally, listed pumps will be eligible to have their rating modified on an individual basis through a serialized certificate when extended products (motors or VFDs) are added to a listed model. The program is supported with a public database that supports public utility efforts to incentivize the purchase of efficient pumping solutions. This program will accelerate the adoption of efficient pumps and extended products into the market, reducing the operating cost, saving energy, and reducing carbon emissions. The requirements of participation in the program are outlined in HI 40.5-2016 which can be freely downloaded (here) or at Listing of pumps in the program is licensed based on the number of unique basic models you wish to list as outlined (here). The licensing requires annual renewal.

Energy Rating Label – 50 Pump Listing Package


List up to 50 pumps on the HI Energy Rating Portal

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