Complete Set – (Single User) Web-based Subscription – ANSI/HI Pump Standards

Complete Set Pump Standards Subscription

This web-based annual subscription provides one simultaneous seat for a single user account to access the complete set of ANSI/HI standards. If more users or simultaneous seats are needed, view the full web-based subscription package.

This is the most economical method to always have access to the current edition of ANSI/HI standards during the subscription period, and provides the unique benefit of access from any computer with internet access, or the ability to download the standards for offline access.

Features & Benefits:

  • Access from any computer with an internet connection.
  • View in any current browser without additional support from IT for installation of software.
  • Download for offline use through the use of FileOpen plugin and Adobe Acrobat 
  • Low annual subscription price to reflect the limited users 
  • Standards are always up to date
  • A search capability makes it easy to locate the standard(s) that contain topics of interest 
  • Search functions within the browser or native Adobe search allows you to pinpoint the location of the topic within each standard. 
  • Copying of selected portions of text in the standards (up to 250 words) for reference in specification documents. 
  • Users may download one or more documents for up to 24 hours of offline use. 
  • Printing is enabled with the understanding that printed copies are for the sole personal use of the subscribers and not for distribution.

Limitations of use:

  • The administration of the web-based subscription will be managed by the Hydraulic Institute. Following your purchase, you will receive a form to complete and return to our Customer Support Center to have your access activated.
  • Transfers or change requests to your subscription will need to be sent to our Customer Support Center.
  • Anonymous server access is not permitted  
  • An Internet connection is required for web-based browser access and for downloading of standards
  • In addition to web access, the standards may also be downloaded and viewed on either a PC or a MAC with the free AdobeĀ® ReaderĀ®. Viewing locally on a PC or MAC requires the installation of an Adobe-approved plug-in from FileOpen Systems, Inc. to decrypt the content.

For assistance, please contact us at our Customer Support Center.

Your HI standards will always be current!  New and updated content will be added to the subscription as published.  Currently included in this package are these standards:

ANSI/HI NumberName of StandardISBN Number
3.1-3.5Rotary Pump for Nomenclature, Definitions, Applications and Operation (2021)978-1-954671-02-7
3.6Rotary Pump Tests (2022)978-1-954671-08-9
4.1-4.6Sealless, Magnetically Driven Rotary Pumps for Nomenclature, Definitions, Application, Operation, and Test (2022)978-1-954671-15-7
5.1-5.6Sealless Rotodynamic Pumps for Nomenclature, Definitions, Application, Operation, and Test (2021)978-1-935762-96-6
6.1-6.5Reciprocating Power Pumps for Nomenclature, Definitions, Application, and Operation (2015 – HI2020)978-1-935762-86-7
6.6Reciprocating Pump Tests (2015 – HI2020)978-1-935762-87-4
7.1-7.5Controlled Volume Metering Pumps for Nomenclature, Definitions, Application, and Operation (2023)978-1-954671-13-3
7.6Controlled-Volume Metering Pumps for Test (2024)978-1-954671-26-3
7.8Controlled Volume Metering Pump Piping Guideline (2021)978-1-954671-04-1
8.1-8.5Direct Acting (Steam) Pumps for Nomenclature, Definitions, Applications, and Operation (2015 – HI2020)978-1-935762-85-0
9.1-9.5Pumps – General Guidelines for Materials, Sound Testing, and Decontamination of Returned Products (2021)978-1-954671-01-0
9.6.1Rotodynamic Pumps Guideline for NPSH Margin (2024)978-1-954671-28-7
9.6.2Rotodynamic Pumps for Allowable Nozzle Loads (2021)978-1-935762-99-7
9.6.3Rotodynamic Pumps – Guideline for Operating Region (2024)978-1-954671-25-6
9.6.4Rotodynamic Pumps for Vibration Measurements and Allowable Values (2022)978-1-954671-09-6
9.6.5Rotodynamic Pumps Guideline for Condition Monitoring (2022)978-1-954671-17-1
9.6.6Rotodynamic Pumps for Pump Piping (2022)978-1-954671-10-2
9.6.7Rotodynamic Pumps – Guideline for Effects of Liquid Viscosity on Performance (2021) 978-1-935762-95-9
9.6.8Rotodynamic Pumps – Guideline for Dynamics of Pumping Machinery (2021)978-1-954671-07-2
9.6.9Rotary Pumps – Guidelines for Condition Monitoring (2018)978-1-935762-80-5
9.8Rotodynamic Pumps for Pump Intake Design (2024)978-1-954671-29-4
10.1-10.5Air Operated Pumps for Nomenclature, Definitions, Application, and Operation (2021)978-1-935762-98-0
10.6Air Operated Pump Tests (2021)978-1-954671-03-4
11.6Rotodynamic Submersible Pumps for Mechanical, and Electrical Acceptance Tests (2022)978-1-954671-12-6
12.1-12.6Rotodynamic Centrifugal Slurry Pumps for Nomenclature, Definitions, Applications, and Operation (2021)978-1-954671-05-8
14.1-14.2Rotodynamic Pumps for Nomenclature and Definitions (2019)978-1-935762-79-9
14.3Rotodynamic Pumps for Design and Application (2019)978-1-935762-81-2
14.4Rotodynamic Pumps Manuals for Installation, Operation, and Maintenance (R2024)978-1-954671-22-5
14.6Rotodynamic Pumps for Hydraulic Performance and Acceptance Tests (2022)978-1-935762-97-3
20.3Rotodynamic Pump Efficiency Prediction (2020)978-1-935762-88-1
30.1General Purpose OH1 Rotodynamic Pump Specification (2021)978-1-954671-06-5
40.5Hydraulic Institute Program Guide for HI Energy Rating Program (2016)978-1-935762-56-0
40.6 (2014)Methods for Rotodynamic Pump Efficiency Testing (2014)978-1-935762-23-2
40.6 (2016)Methods for Rotodynamic Pump Efficiency Testing (2016)978-1-935762-53-9
40.6 (2021)Methods for Rotodynamic Pump Efficiency Testing (2021)978-1-935762-90-4
40.7Hydraulic Institute Program Guide for Pump Test Laboratory Approval (2015)978-1-935762-26-3

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Complete Set – (Single User) Web-based Subscription – ANSI/HI Pump Standards


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