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August 19, 2021

DOE Pumps: Diagrams and Definitions to, pumps complying with ANSI/HI nomenclature OH0 and OH1, as described in ANSI/HI 1.1-1.2–2014, within the specified horsepower range. End Suction Close Coupled (ESCC) [OH7] End suction close-coupled (ESCC)...

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November 4, 2021

ANSI/HI 10.6-2016 Air-Operated Pump Tests

This version of the standard has been superseded. PDF copies remain available for purchase. Overview This standard provides uniform procedures for the testing of mechanical integrity when in operation,...

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November 4, 2021

ANSI/HI 10.6-2010 Air-Operated Pump Tests

This version of the standard has been superseded. PDF copies remain available for purchase. Overview: This standard provides uniform procedures for mechanical and other pump performance testing and for...

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