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Blogs, Technical | September 13, 2022

A Guide to Pump System Assessment

...profile. More extensive use of monitoring and a more complex data analysis are associated with this level of assessment. Detailed component failure analysis and/or hydraulic system modeling is often part...

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August 19, 2022

Pump Pros Know- Efficiency & Reliability

...pressures, flows, vibration, and other parameters of key components. For example, a pump produces a baseline vibration signature or housing temperature when it is commissioned. Monitoring the vibration and temperature...

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January 13, 2022

About HI Secure PDFs The encrypted Digital PDF require both the Acrobat plug-in and the FileOpen Acrobat plug-in. Download Acrobat Reader (free) Download FileOpen plug-in (free) The end-user license prohibits installation of these...

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January 26, 2023

Test Engineer

...were ever interested in leaving my company, I’ll be looking for a new company that would give me the same opportunity. I’m all into following technical documentation and making sure...

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Energy Efficiency, Training, Blogs | September 2, 2022

5 Tips to Improve the Pump Selection Process

...efficiency often go unnoticed when current demands are not verified or new demands are not considered prior to selecting a new pump. When selecting a pump, there are certain criteria...

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