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October 4, 2022

Engineering Data Book – 2nd Edition

Overview: The second edition of HI’s Engineering Data Book covers fluid characteristics, fluid flow, and characteristics of piping materials. There is also a complete section of conversion tables, as well...

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February 25, 2022

HI 30.1-General Purpose OH1 Rotodynamic Pumps

...products, materials, equipment, fabrication, systems, and assemblies, their quality requirements, service conditions and performance criteria, factory testing, and spare parts. Part Three (30.1.3 – Execution) deals with the scope of...

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January 19, 2023

Pump Pros Know – Lifecycle Cost Analysis

...contaminated seals and other used parts. The cost of managing these materials may vary greatly, depending on the composition of the pumped product and the investments companies make to minimize...

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November 4, 2021

Application Guideline for Variable Speed Pumping

...control to meet system demands Describes the advantages, disadvantages, and operational maintenance required in a variable speed pumping application Illustrates the selection process for new systems and retrofitting to existing...

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Blogs, Workforce Development | June 15, 2022

Seven Take-Aways from HI’s Workforce Opportunities Workshop

...their employees, and your company is on the way towards making the best of a difficult demographic challenge. US Census image By Ashersea – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,

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