5000 Wrightsboro Road
Grovetown, Georgia
30813 United States
GIW is a leading manufacturer of high-performance, low-maintenance slurry pumps. Industries such as mining and mineral beneficiation, dredging, sand and gravel and coal preparation will tell you that GIW is a problem solver...a useful resource...a value-added partner. Founded in 1891, GIW has continuously upgraded their facilities, arming its engineers with state-of-the-art design tools including one of the largest and best equipped hydraulic testing laboratories in the world. By the mid 1980’s GIW had established a firm base in the U.S. and positioned itself to enter the global marketplace full force. In a strategic move to increase its international sales, GIW aligned with KSB AG of Frankenthal, Germany. KSB AG is a global pump and valve manufacturer specializing in all types of centrifugal pumps. As a member of KSB’s Worldwide Pump and Valve Group, GIW now offers single-source solutions for both water and slurry pump problems for customers from the Ukraine to Chile.
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