
Commercial Building, Technical, General Industrial, Workforce Development, Training, PSM Newsletter, Pump System Training, Blogs, General | March 28, 2024

Workforce development resources needed to support the 1.1 MM job openings in construction, manufacturing, and mining

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, US employers are looking to fill 8.9 MM open jobs as of January 2024, which is a slight improvement from the 10.4MM openings the prior January. With about 1.1 MM of these openings in construction, manufacturing, and mining, it illustrates the continued need of manufacturing and construction companies to focus on transferring knowledge from their aging workforces and bring new hires up to speed on the fundamentals so that they can focus on the higher-level job specific training.

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Workforce Development, PSM Newsletter, General, General Industrial, Blogs, Technical | March 28, 2024

New Certifications Developed to Address Workforce Challenges

The pump and fluid handling industry is not immune to the workforce challenges facing other industries. To address this challenge, the Hydraulic Institute and Pump Systems Matter have aligned its focus on a strategic direction to: 1. publicize the vital and important role of pumps in society and attracting talent to the industry 2. develop standardized introductory and fundamental training 3. developing fundamental level certifications.

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Blogs, Case Studies | March 28, 2024

An IoT Approach to Improving Wastewater Facility Operational Efficiency

Overview: This case study has altered the names of the county and business partners involved. Roadrunner County is at the heart of Arizona’s major commercial and academic hub. This county has taken significant steps to look after the well-being of its citizens by preserving one of the most precious resources: water. Using an IoT solution based on situational awareness, as well as a mobile workforce and decision support system, the Roadrunner County Regional Wastewater Reclamation Department provides management and maintenance of the county’s sanitary sewer system.

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Blogs, Standards | January 11, 2024

HI 41.8 Program Guideline for Pump System Certification

HI 41.8 program guideline builds on the work done in HI 40.9, which identifies the core learning outcomes for industry professionals, and establishes the formal credentialing requirements for a Pump System Certified (PSC) Level 1 and Level 2 certification, including a standardized examination and renewal process.

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Blogs, Energy Efficiency, PSM Newsletter | October 31, 2023

$10 MM Available from U.S. Department of Energy for Pumps with Qualifying HI Energy Rating

The U.S. Department of Energy Office of Manufacturing and Energy Supply Chains (MESC) is providing rebates for pumps, fans, and compressors that meet minimum energy requirements. The rebate program aims to help reduce the cost of making energy efficient upgrades, and the types of businesses that are most likely to benefit are ones with large motor driven pump loads that are operating without variable speed controls.

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